The Victorian Women’s Health Atlas is a ground-breaking, interactive tool developed by Women’s Health Victoria to illustrate the relationship between gender and health.
Developed and launched in 2015, the award-winning Atlas provides free access to health and wellbeing data from multiple sources on a single easy-to-use platform. The data is mapped by sex for every local government area (LGA) in Victoria and many of the datasets are not available elsewhere.
Atlas users can download maps and fact sheets to help interpret and communicate the data story about women’s health and gender equality.
The Atlas has become a widely used, trusted data source for health planners, policymakers, community organisations and researchers in supporting the development of evidence-based health programs, gender impact assessments, services, education, awareness and advocacy.
The Atlas contains more than 70 indicators of health and socioeconomic issues that affect Victorian women, grouped into 8 categories:
Sexual and reproductive health
Violence against women
Mental health
Healthy living
Chronic disease
Socioeconomic status

View & compare datasets
The Atlas enables users to view and compare data by sex, location and time to highlight health and gender inequality issues at a glance. It can been used to answer questions, such as;
- How many Victorian women are affected by an issue?
- Is the data for women and men similar or different?
- How does my area compare with other parts of Victoria?
- What are the trends over time?
- How is this issue important for women’s wellbeing?