The Victorian Women’s Health Services (WHS) welcome the opportunity to make a submission on the Draft National Care and Support Economy Strategy.
The participation of women in work is a social determinant of their health and wellbeing. The WHS are concerned about women’s participation in the Australian workforce, particularly in the care sectors. Not only are these sectors significant employers of women and gender diverse people, their success is critical for women’s participation in the Australian workforce, economy and society as a whole.
This submission highlights the following issues that must be addressed in the National Care and Support Economy:
- The impact of gender and intersectional inequity on the care sector
- Gender segregation of the Australian workforce
- Devaluation of feminised work
- Safety of care sectors; and
- Care work and the wage penalty
More information about the Consultation can be found here.
Victorian Women's Health Services (2023) Submission on the Draft National Care and Support Economy Strategy. Victorian Women's Health Services. Melbourne.