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Supporting gender equity education: a research project to inform gender equity units of competency

Published 27 September 2019

This report documents the evidence base, as identified by Monash University, to inform the pedagogical approach required to teach and assess the new accredited Course in Gender Equity (22521VIC). It provides a teaching framework which has informed the unit development and will be used to inform teaching practice.

With the investment and impetus in Victoria following the release of both Safe and Strong, Victoria’s gender equality strategy, and Free from Violence, Victoria’s prevention strategy, there is significant need to expand the gender equity and PVAW (Prevention of Violence Against Women) workforces and ensure these workforces are appropriately skilled and qualified.

To meet this gap the Victorian Government, through the Department of Education and Training, funded Women’s Health Victoria (WHV) in conjunction with a group of thought leaders to develop an accredited Course in Gender Equity.

Women’s Health Victoria recognises the support of the Gender Equity Training Project consortia members – RMIT University, ACEVic, Women with Disabilities Victoria, Monash University, Knox City Council, Coonara Community House, Yarrawonga Neighbourhood House, and the external participants who contributed to the formal consultation process in the development of the Course in Gender Equity and this research.

Refer to Women’s Health Victoria’s website for further details


Clemans A, Subban P, Gleeson J, Komarzynski L (2019) Supporting gender equity education: a research project to inform gender equity units of competency. Women's Health Victoria. Melbourne. (Gender Equity Training Project Research Paper)

Gender Equity Training Vocational Education
Supporting gender equity education: a research project to inform gender equity units of competency

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Acknowledgement of Country

Women’s Health Victoria acknowledges and pays our respects to the Traditional Owners of the land that our offices are situated on, the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin Nation.

As a statewide organisation, we also acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the lands and water across Victoria. We pay our respects to them, their cultures and their Elders past and present.

Read more about our Reconciliation Action Plan

Our Commitment to Gender Diversity and Inclusion

Women’s Health Victoria’s focus is women (cis and trans inclusive) and gender-diverse people. We address feminist health issues and are committed to supporting all people impacted by gender inequity who can benefit from our work. As a proud intersectional feminist organisation, Women’s Health Victoria is working towards meaningful inclusivity, guided by and supporting people who identify as women, trans, intersex and gender diverse.

Read about our commitment