The Gender Equity Accredited Training Project (WHV) in conjunction with Gender Equity Victoria (GENVic) and Women in Adult & Vocational Education (WAVE) has made a submission in response to matters raised in the Productivity Commission Interim Report released on the 5th of June 2020.
The submission specifically talks to issues in relation to Item 5 in the scope of work which asks the Commission to consider ‘options to ensure government investment in VET encourages increased participation in training by all Australians and is commensurate with the outcomes and benefits derived by individuals, business, industry, the local and national economy and society more generally’ highlighting that VET will only deliver increased participation, prosperity and productivity for all if it is equitable.
The joint submission provides evidence to support that in order for the next NASWD to deliver the intended outcomes for all Australians, gender equality needs to be a long term national target and measures of progress to this target need to be defined and tracked in the COAG performance dashboard.
Gender Equity Victoria (GENVic), Women in Adult and Vocational Education (WAVE) and the Gender Equity Accredited Training Project (WHV) (2020) Submission to Productivity Commission Interim Report on the National Agreement for Skills and Workforce Development (NASWD). Melbourne.