This webinar hosted by the Women’s Mental Health Alliance and Mental Health Victoria examines the implications of the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System for women’s mental health, and opportunities to ensure that the redesign of the mental health system meets the needs of women, girls and gender diverse people.
The webinar is aimed at mental health practitioners and service providers, policy-makers, and the social services and women’s sectors.
- Larissa Taylor – Deputy CEO of Policy, Advocacy and Communications. Mental Health Victoria
- Dianne Hill – CEO. Women’s Health Victoria
- Mischa Barr – Policy and Health Promotion Manager, Women’s Health Victoria; and Chair of the Women’s Mental Health Alliance
- Maggie Toko – Assistant Commissioner Lived Experience & Engagement, Mental Health Complaints Commissioner
- Prof Jayashri Kulkarni AM – Professor of Psychiatry at Monash University and The Alfred; and Director, Monash Alfred Psychiatry research centre (MAPrc)
- Dr Adele Murdolo – CEO, Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health
- Jackson Fairchild – Head of Policy and Programs, Rainbow Health Victoria
- Lena Risteski – Counsellor at Mind Australia
Access the video recording here (duration: 1:32:06)
- 00:00 – Welcome and introductions – Larissa Taylor, Mental Health Victoria & Dianne Hill, Women’s Health Victoria
- 07:23 – Presentation: Introduction to gender and women’s mental health – Mischa Barr, Women’s Health Victoria (Download slides here)
- 30:40 – Panel discussion
Webinar Q&A:
Responses to some of the questions raised in the webinar are available in PDF (direct download).
Webinar evaluation:
Read an evaluation of our webinar utilising the results of a post-attendee survey in PDF (direct download).
Women's Mental Health Alliance and Mental Health Victoria (2021) The Royal Commission and women's mental health: challenges and opportunities: proceedings of webinar held 17 August 2021 [video recording]. Women's Health Victoria. Melbourne.