This report summarises the project, led by Women’s Health Victoria from 2018 to 2020, to develop Australian-first accredited gender equity training within the vocational education system. Deliverables include the 22521VIC Course in Gender Equity and a series of Gender Equity Microcredentials. The report outlines the need for the project, the contributors, milestones and outcomes, including recommendations and further opportunities arising.
In summing up the project Dianne Hill, WHV CEO affirmed:
These high-quality gender equity education programs and evidence based teaching and learning resources have been developed in consultation with the VET sector, industry and gender equity specialists and will provide individuals and organisations with the knowledge and skills they need to build the structures, systems and cultures that will embed gender equality across all domains of society; in workplaces, at home, in education and the community, building a more gender equitable Victoria”.
Women's Health Victoria (2020) Gender Equity Training Project summary. Women's Health Victoria. Melbourne.