This research summary provides a snapshot of the analysis undertaken by RMIT’s Dr Lauren Gurrieri and Dr Rob Hoffman – Addressing and preventing sexist advertising: An analysis of local and global promising practice – which considers how problematic gender portrayals in advertising can be addressed.
The evidence shows that no single intervention can effectively eliminate sexism or gender inequality in advertising. Governments, industry and consumers each play different but critically important roles in promoting change. A whole-of-system approach with mutually reinforcing interventions is required.
This research is part of WHV’s Advertising (In)equality project, funded by the Victorian Government.
The background research paper, produced by RMIT University, is available to download in the Related Resources section.
Barr M, McKenzie M (2019) Addressing and preventing sexist advertising: a snapshot of promising practice. Women's Health Victoria; RMIT University. Melbourne. (Women's Health Issues Paper; 16).