This forum was held on 15 May 2019 at One Roof in Melbourne. The forum was planned and delivered by Women’s Health Victoria (WHV) and brought together 100 stakeholders in women’s sexual and reproductive health (SRH) to hear from key speakers, reflect on recent achievements, and identify shared priorities going forward.
Speakers included:
- Minister for Health, the Hon Jenny Mikakos MP
- Gina Rushton, journalist for Buzzfeed News
- Carolyn Mogharbel from 1800 My Options
The forum was MC’d by Beth Wilson AM, former Health Services Commissioner for Victoria.
Speakers took part in a facilitated panel Q&A, after which a workshop was held to identify key achievements and priorities going forward in the areas of statewide policy, contraception, abortion, sexual health, reproductive health conditions and fertility, equitable access to SRH, and health promotion and education.
Findings in the forum were captured in a Forum Report.
This was the first of four sexual and reproductive health forums that WHV plans to deliver 2019 and 2020.
Women's Health Victoria (2019) Access and Equity : towards optimal sexual and reproductive health in Victoria: forum report. Women's Health Victoria. Melbourne.