Gender inequality remains pervasive in the Australian advertising industry, according to the results of a national survey released today.shEqual “ Australia’s movement for advertising equality “ today released preliminary results of a landmark national survey exploring perceptions of gender equality within the advertising industry at an online event, Bold & Strong: Presenting the shEqual Survey results.
Disappointingly, the survey findings show that, while some progress has been made, sexism and gender discrimination continue to be everyday experiences for many women in the advertising industry. Survey respondents shared alarming stories of everything from sexist jokes to pregnancy discrimination to sexual assault.CEO of Women’s Health Victoria Dianne Hill said: The advertising industry is not alone in needing to tackle sexism and gender discrimination. But it is in a uniquely powerful position to influence positive change “ not only in the workplace but in the ads we see and hear every day.
The shEqual survey findings are a call to action for the advertising industry to lead the way on gender equality. We are calling on the industry to get real¦ because it’s time to get equal.
For more information about shEqual, visit
Women's Health Victoria (2021) Survey paints a troubling picture of sexism in the ad industry. Women's Health Victoria Media Release. 2021 (Dec 7).