Victorian health services have provided a united front in support of abortion access in response to the overturning of landmark Roe v Wade abortion legislation in America with hospitals, women’s health services and community health organisations signing on to a state-wide statement of support for abortion provision.
Whilst abortion is safe and legal in Victoria, access to this vital service is not guaranteed: Many public hospitals remain without abortion provision, and abortion seekers often have to travel several hours for services said Dianne Hill, CEO of Women’s Health Victoria.Recently released data from the Victorian Women’s Health Atlas indicates no medical abortion prescribers in 12 Victorian LGAs, We know that in 42 of 79 Victorian LGAs, fewer than half of all medical abortion services received by patients were prescribed from within the local area, continues Hill.
“We welcome the new Victorian Health Minister Mary-Anne Thomas’ recent comments about ensuring equity of access to healthcare services, and look forward to working with the state government to ensure that all Victorian women can exercise their reproductive rights.
Women's Health Victoria (2022) Abortion rights are human rights: access to abortion is essential to gender equity. Women's Health Victoria Media Release. 2022 (Jun 27).