Skills for Victoria’s Growing Economy Review (the Review) advocates for a vocational education and training system that is for every Victorian, that is trusted and that delivers prosperity for all Victorians.
This submission, written by Gender Equity Victoria (GENVic), Women in Adult and Vocational Education (WAVE) and the Gender Equity Accredited Training Project (WHV), makes recommendations drawing on a wealth of evidence that supports that this is not possible until inequity in our society and economy is addressed – specifically gender equity.
The submission argues that Victoria’s VET sector is well placed to address this inequity and to support the transformational change required to achieve gender equality while working as part of a broader Victorian Government economic and social change agenda, seeking to enact social and economic reform.
Gender Equity Victoria (GENVic), Women in Adult and Vocational Education (WAVE) and the Gender Equity Accredited Training Project (WHV) (2020) Submission to Skills for Victoria's Growing Economy Review: Victoria's skills system creating prosperity for all through gender equality. Melbourne.