This article outlines the development, content and features of the Victorian Women’s Health Atlas, its emerging value as a tool for schools, and the development of curriculum resources for Year 10 Geography based on the Atlas.
Health and gender equality are recognised as fundamental to human and societal wellbeing. Secondary school is an ideal setting to introduce these concepts to young adults, however there is currently a lack of readily available teaching resources that align with the Victorian curriculum and enable students to access and interpret local area data. The Victorian Women’s Health Atlas has the potential to change that. Women’s Health Victoria is partnering with the Geography Teachers’ Association of Victoria to develop curriculum resources for Year 10: Geographies of human wellbeing. These lessons are designed to enable students to draw on a wealth of local area spatial data while engaging with concepts of health and gender equality.
Article full text reproduced with permission of the Geography Teachers’ Association of Victoria.
- Ward J
Ward J (2020) Harnessing the power of the Victorian Women's Health Atlas for spatial learning and gender equality awareness. Interaction: Journal of the Geography Teachers' Association of Victoria. 48(1):26-31.