This interactive symposium explored the application of gender transformative practice in the women’s policy and health promotion sector, with a focus on engaging men in the work to prevent violence against women. The forum features the launch of the knowledge paper Towards gender transformative practice, an expert panel discussion on men and masculinities, insights from International leaders, and break out sessions with participants.
This forum was held on 3 December 2019 at VicHealth in Carlton, Melbourne. The event was presented by Women’s Health Victoria, in partnership with VicHealth and Our Watch, with support from the Victorian Government.
A companion event – Think Again: Why Sex and Gender (Still) Matter In Women’s Health – was held on 2 December 2019.
Proceedings available:
- Welcome, Introduction and Knowledge Paper Launch €‹Access the video recording here (duration: 16:08)
– Mischa Barr (Policy and Health Promotion Manager, Women’s Health Victoria)
– Linden Deathe (Senior Training and Health Promotion Officer, Women’s Health Victoria)
– Claire Varley (Independent consultant and co-author of WHV Knowledge Paper: Towards gender transformative change) - Men and Masculinities Panel DiscussionAccess the video recording here (duration: 01:23:08)
– Dr. Lorraine Greaves (Centre of Excellence for Women’s Health, Canada)
– Dr. Nancy Poole (Centre of Excellence for Women’s Health, Canada) Panellists:
– Dr. Cara Busst (VicHealth) – Claire Varley (Independent consultant) – Matt Tyler, (Jesuit Social Services)
– Dr. Regina Quiazon (Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health)
– Dr. Shane Tas (Our Watch) - In Conversation with Nancy and LorraineAccess the video recording here (duration: 47:51)
– Linden Deathe – Interviewer (Women’s Health Victoria)
– Dr. Lorraine Greaves (Centre of Excellence for Women’s Health, Canada)
– Dr. Nancy Poole (Centre of Excellence for Women’s Health, Canada
Women's Health Victoria (2020) Delving Deeper Into Gender Transformative Practice: proceedings of a forum held 3 December 2019. Women's Health Victoria. Melbourne.