Women’s Health Victoria (WHV) undertook a consultation with the Victorian sexual and reproductive health sector around the impacts of the Victorian Government’s Women’s Sexual and Reproductive Health: Key Priorities 2017-2020, as well as priorities and challenges for future women’s sexual and reproductive health access and service provision.
Participants were from a broad range of sectors including community health, hospitals, primary care, sexual health, women’s health, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community controlled organisations, and various peak bodies. In this consultation, WHV focussed on the key priority areas of contraception, abortion and sexual health. Overwhelmingly, those consulted were supportive of the 2017-2020 plan and its achievements, outlining that the foundational work established through the plan should be consolidated and continued in a new plan.
Women's Health Victoria (2021) Delivering optimal sexual and reproductive health outcomes for Victorian women: priorities for the next women's sexual and reprodutive health plan 2021-2025. Women's Health Victoria. Melbourne.